Shexie Platinum has the facility to use MIMS Integrated. This uses 'up to date' data supplied by MIMS in various ways described below.

Clinical facilities in Shexie Platinum have been enhanced and processing streamlined. These are also outlined below.

MIMS Product Information: Up to date Abbreviated and Full Monograph Product information can be viewed. This includes, where applicable, images and graphical information.

Customer Information (CMI) Sheets: View and print Customer Information sheets pertaining to particular products.

Product Searching: MIMS Product data can be found in a number of ways: Product Name, Active Component (Specific Item or Generic Item), Classification, Category

Selection for Prescribing: Products from MIMS Integrated data can be selected for prescribing or previously prescribed medications within Shexie Platinum. Products selected are added to Platinum's prescribing list along with MIMS reference. When viewing scripts created, the MIMS product data can be viewed by double clicking on the selected drug in the prescription.

Health Conditions: Health Conditions can be selected from the MIMS data by name or by Diagnosis (ICD10) code. The selected data is also stored in the Platinum database along with the MIMS reference.

Allergies: Allergies are selected from the MIMS data and stored in Platinum database along with the MIMS reference. The Allergy list includes substance classes and well as active components.

Drug Interaction: When creating a prescription, drugs being prescribed can be checked against each other, previously prescribed drugs, other prescribed medications, health conditions and allergies for that patient for any interaction. All Interaction information is shown along with severity level and details of the interaction. This also checks for prescribing of duplicate medications.

Selection of Indications:for Authority scripts.

Monthly Updates MIMS Integrated data updates are available monthly and can be easily downloaded from within Platinum from the Shexie website.

Enhanced Prescription List and Clinical Details Panel: The Prescription List panel within Shexie Platinum has many other clinical details added to it. As well as the Prescription List and Add Script facilities, you can directly create and print Pathology Requests. Add and maintain Other Medications, Health Conditions, Allergies, Clinical Comments, Clinical Notes. List, preview and open documents including letters, scanned images or documents, pathology/radiology results. You can also configure Platinum to allow providers to enter item numbers to be billed for a session.

Prescribing and Clinical Details direct from Appointment: The right click pop-up menu for an appointment has an option for Rx Prescribing. You can also configure Platinum to bring up the Prescription List and Clinical Details panel by double clicking on the appointment.

Enhanced Surgical Audit/Statistic Forms: Capture statistical event data and produce analysis graphs or reports. New 'forms' will be available to streamline the capture and maintenance of clinical audit data. These forms and associated data can be customized for your particular specialty and requirements

Registering for MIMS Integrated

Please Contact MIMS on 1800 800 629 or click the download button to get the application form as a PDF.
Have your Shexie Location Id (SHX number) at hand.

Download PDF
Have more Questions?

If you have any questions about this Shexie Platinum feature please contact us.

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